Once-a-day pulsincap drug delivery system of diltiazem for better maintenance of angina pectoris
J N Ravi Varma, M Kranthi Kumar Reddy, C H Pavan Kumar, A Koushik Reddy, P Prudhvi Raju
Present investigation aims colon specific, pulsatile device to achieve time release of Diltiazem, based on chrono-pharmaceutical consideration. Formulations of modified pulsincapdrug delivery of Diltiazem microspheres to achieve timed release in colon. The design consists of an insoluble hard gelatin capsule body, filled with Diltiazem Microspheres prepared by Emulsion-solvent evaporation method employing chitosan in varying ratio and sealed with a hydrogel plug; capsules were coated with 5% ethyl cellulose to prevent variable gastric emptying. Microspheres were evaluated for particle size, entrapment efficiency, SEM, IR and in vitro release study. Optimized microspheres were formulated as pulsatile device with different hydrogel polymers (Sodium alginate, Xanthan gum, Guar gum) and evaluated for dimensions, thickness of CAP and in vitro release kinetics study. Results: Spherical microspheres were confined by SEM with average particle size in range 260 – 360µm. Hydrogel plug showed a lag time of 4-8 hours with release of 83% at the end of 20 hours and followed zero order kinetics. Conclusion: Diltiazem microspheres can be formulated with chitosan. Desired lag period can be achieved and the order of sustaining capacity of pulsatile device is Sodium alginate, Guar gum and Xanthan gum for better maintenance of Angina Pectoris.
Keywords: Angina Pectoris, Chitosan, Diltiazem Microspheres, Pulsatile, Lag time.