Volume 12

October-December 2020​

Overview on ligands for the targeting in treatment of glioblastoma

Sachin D Chaudhari, Pankaj P Nerkar

Glioblastoma is a grade IV malignant primary central nervous system tumor with ‎poor prognosis. Radiotherapy chemotherapy, surgical resection are the current ‎therapies use for the management of GBM, but it can also cause dangerous side ‎effects hence targeted therapies are in development. In targeted therapies, ‎receptor targeted drug delivery is one of the most successful strategy. A receptor ‎which are more express over the cancerous tissue or blood brain barrier that can ‎be easily targeted and it is advantage to differentiate cancerous tissue and normal ‎tissue. We summaries receptor targeted therapies and reagent used for ‎conjugating or coupling ligand to drug. ‎

Keywords: Glioblastoma, Single Receptor Targeting, Dual Receptor Targeting, Transferrin, Lactoferrin, Folic Acid.