Potential of novel carriers for effective management of acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity
Juyal Divya, Dhyani Archana
Liver is a vital organ of the human body. It plays an important role in the human body. Acetaminophen when taken in therapeutic doses, it is used in the treatment of various conditions. Hepatotoxicity is the prime factor responsible for drug withdrawal from the market. There is no doubt that hepatotoxicity requires considerable attention and that every viable measure be taken towards an efficient mechanism for hepatoprotection. The overdose of acetaminophen causes acute liver failure. The hepatotoxicity can be treated by targeting the liver by the various carriers like liposomes, nanoparicles, phytosomes etc. However the hepatoprotective therapies require better targeting, stability and better bioavailability. Such focus areas can be effectively met with the aid of lipid based delivery systems which can prove to be a breakthrough in the field of hepatoprotection.
Keywords: Hepatotoxicity, Acetaminophen, Acute Liver Failure.