Acute toxicity study of Abies numidica extracts in broiler chickens
Oumaima Naili, Zineb Belhamra, Naila Chaabna, Daoud Harzallah
The aim of this study was to assess in vivo acute toxicity of hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of Algerian fir needles (Abies numidica) in broiler chickens. Total 18 one-day-old broiler chicks were obtained from hatchery. At three weeks of age chickens were weighed and separated into 3 groups. The control group received only distilled water, while treatment groups were orally administered 2000 of hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of Abies numidica. No mortality or significant changes were observed in body weight, feed intake and feed conversion. Also, Blood parameters and relative organ weights were normal. Microscopic observations of liver and kidneys tissues of treatment and control group were similar. In conclusion, acute toxicity test indicated that extracts were not toxic when administered by the oral route to broiler chickens at 2000
Keywords: A. numidica, Acute Toxicity, Poultry Diet, Phytobiotic.