Micro beads loaded bio adhesive vaginal gel of voriconazole: Development & characterization
Ganesh Kumar, Meenakshi Bhatt, Prabhakar Prasad Badoni
A micro bead-loaded bio adhesive gel containing the drug voriconazole was developed. Micro beads give extended drug release, and bio adhesive was used to improve the stability of the product. Micro beads were examined for micromeritic properties, swelling index, drug loading, percent yield and encapsulation efficiency. pH, spreadability, extrudability, homogeneity, viscosity, and bio adhesion test of the bio adhesive gel were all evaluated. The swelling index ranged from 55 to 82 %, indicating that micro beads have moderate to good swelling properties. The percent drug loading was calculated to be between 71.37 % 0.07 to 87.59 % 0.91. The percent yield of various formulations F1 – F5 was calculated and found to be between 39.52 % +0.23 and 72.13 % ±2.42. For the formulation F3, the maximum % yield was found to be 72.13 %. The % encapsulation efficiency was found to be between 50.80 +52 to 78.420+09, indicating moderate to good efficiency. The pH range of all formulations was within the specified range for the drug delivery system. F1 and F5 formulations had a viscosity range of 25485.50 to 37211.58 cp. The greatest spreadability of the F3 formulation was determined to be 9.09 gm cm/sec.. The viscosity and extrudability have an inverse relationship i.e. the lower the viscosity, the higher the extrudability. Bio adhesion strength was founded within the range of 16.7±0.04 to 21.1±0.13 gm respectively. Highest strength was founded in F3. After 12 hours, the total percent release was measured in SVF (4.5) were 85.16-77.28. The results show that as the polymer concentration is increased, the release of drug from the micro beads laden gel decrease. In comparison to market formulations (Verz 200 tablet), voriconazole micro beads laden gel was found to more effectively limit the growth of Candida albicans in an antifungal investigation.
Keywords: Micro Beads Loaded Bio Adhesive Gel, Bio Adhesion, Antifungal Activity.