Positive responses to intra-uterine route administration of natural Sahara honeys in cattle clinical endometritis
Zine El Abidine Kouider, Saad Aissat, Hama Benbarek, Tayeb Gouichiche, Kada Hadidi
This study was conducted to test the therapeutic efficacy of an intrauterine infusion of two varieties of honey in the treatment of bovine endometritis. Our choice focused on animals treated with antibiotics twice or three times without success. The minimum time between the last treatment antibiotics and our study is one month.Twenty-eight cows with clinical endometritiswere divided into two groups “group A and B” each group was treated with an infusion of a honey variety by intra uterine route. The monitoring of the cows was carried before infusion of honey and 24 hours and seven days after the infusion of honey by a clinical examination; ultrasound and cytology. Fertility monitoring was carried out in eleven cows by an ultrasound examination. Seven days after the honey infusion of honey “A”, 100% of the cows with endometritis showed total reabsorption of uterine fluids with total disappearance of purulent discharge 12 of the 13 cows were in heat on the seventh day with translucent mucus. From a cytological point of view, the smears were rich in endometrial cells. Seven days after the infusion of honey “B”, 12 Vs 15 cows presented a total reabsorption of uterine fluids with total disappearance of the purulent discharge and 02 were in heat on the seventh day with translucent mucus. Cytologically, the smears were very rich in endometrial cells. In 03 cows the purulent discharge was still present. 12 Animals were inseminated in the second estrus after treatment. The conception rate was estimated after two months of the last insemination. Conception rate was 5 in group A and 3 in group B. These results show that honey has proven its therapeutic power for bovine endometritis, by its drainage effect of pathological uterine fluids, the regeneration of the endometrial epithelium and the improvement of the fertility rate.
Keywords: Sahara Honeys, Endometritis, Intra-Uterine.